Work Package 1: Needs Analysis (Lead organization: University of Ioannina)

This WP will initiate the preparation phase of the project. The survey will include 4 different types of questionnaires which will be uniform in all the Consortium countries. The first questionnaire will be dedicated to an exhaustive needs analysis on the lack of 21st century skills and qualifications of teachers and educators in elementary and secondary school in Cambodia, China and India. The first questionnaire will be distributed to teachers, schools’ leaders and parents’ unions (80 per PC-HEI). For students to be well equipped with the necessary skills, they are supposed to be taught by teachers who have good command of those skills and are able to impart the skills to the students. The second questionnaire will be distributed to students of elementary and secondary school to identify their specific needs on 21st century skills (100 per PC-HEI). The third one will address the needs of the Asian academic staff on 21st century skills and will identify which needs on innovative teaching methodologies, student assessment and ICT-based skills are needed in the classroom (15 per PC-HEI). The goal will be to develop a capacity-building program which can align technologies with content and pedagogy and teach new assessment tools of students’ competences. The fourth one will be directed and completed by the EU-HEI academic staff and field experts in order to detect applied best practices on teaching 21st century skills (15 per EU- HEI). The responses to the questionnaires will provide the basis for three reports. The first one will be a report on 21st century skills Educational Programme Content which will crosscheck the skills and knowledge needed by teachers with the skills needed by students when entering the university, vocational schools or the labour market. The second one will help the drafting of a report on capacity-building for 21st century university teachers and best practices. The third report

will be a state-of-the-art report which will collect all data and will provide a roadmap on how to develop such courses and adapt best practices to Asian HEIs needs.


1.1 Report on 21st century skills Educational Programme Content

1.2. Report on capacity-building for 21st century university teachers and best practices

1.3 21st century skills teaching state-of-the-art report

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