Work Package 7: Management & Coordination (Lead Organization: University of Ioannina)

There are 9 partners who will ensure the smooth implementation of the project. They are divided into: EU universities, vocational training centers and Asian universities. This WP aims at the careful and constant monitoring of the project progress, budget, risks. The project manager will be the grant holder and will be responsible for:

1. Funding Management: Contacting the European Authority and reporting to it (financial reports progress reports, final report).

2. Leading and managing the EU partners.

3. Carrying out financial issues, including the monitoring of the costs, in order to react early and flexibly on deviations from the original cost plan after reporting to the European Authority.

4. Consortium Agreement: Setting up a project legal agreement, serving as a formal guide for the whole project. This agreement will contain all required information on the organization, ethical, legal and administrative issues. This project agreement will be binding for all members of the project consortium.


7.1 Consortium Management and Organization

7.2 Project Meetings

7.3 Funding Management

7.4 Risk Management

7.5 Consortium Agreement

7.6 Coordination and Communication Platform

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45221, Ioannina, Greece

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